The purpose of the Human Milk Feeding Supportive Funding Program is to improve breastfeeding support and rates while reducing breastfeeding barriers and disparities in communities of color, LGBTQIA+ communities, rural and low-income communities in Colorado.

Breastfeeding duration and awareness for families and the community was identified to be a top priority of the Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition (COBFC) and La Leche League of Mountain Plains (LLL-MP). This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Creation of educational resources for families;
  • Educating public on health benefits and resources;
  • Connecting and serving racial/ethnic disparity groups and disadvantaged families;
  • Normalizing breastfeeding at community events by having a presence and hosting annual community events specific to breastfeeding support.

COBFC and LLL-MP invite local breastfeeding coalitions, community groups, and individuals in Colorado to submit proposals annually (typically late summer, early fall) to fund community-based projects and advanced lactation training.

Proceeds from the Colorado Lactation Conference, hosted and donated by COBFC and LLL-MP, fund this supportive funding program.

We are deeply grateful to the conference attendees, sponsors, and volunteers

who make this program a possibility.

The 2022 supportive funding is divided into two main areas: Advanced Lactation Training and Community Projects.

Funds are only for individuals/organizations residing in Colorado and are prioritized for individuals/organizations identifying as and/or serving people of color, LGBTQIA+, rural, and low-income communities. Individuals/organizations may apply for funds if they currently directly serve families in Colorado.

How to Apply – Funding Applications are now Closed.

Thank you for your interest in the 2022 Human Milk Feeding Supportive Funding Program. We have received a large number of applicants and are excited to fund many community projects through 2023.

Check back again in August/September of 2023 for annual funding details!

Grant year is from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023.

Thank you for your interest and support!