A huge thank you to all of our 2024 sponsors!

Presenting Level Sponsors

Mothers’ Milk Bank

Mothers’ Milk Bank is one of the largest nonprofit milk banks in North America. We work with generous milk donors to collect, process, and distribute nearly 700,000 ounces of donor human milk each year—milk that makes a life-saving difference for fragile babies across the country. We strongly believe that donor human milk is the first choice for all babies anytime their parents’ own milk is unavailable. This is particularly true for premature babies and those with weakened immune systems, but we also proudly serve adoptive, surrogate, and other outpatient families who want to give their baby the best possible start in life. To learn more, visit milkbankcolorado.org.

Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @milkbankco    |   303-869-1888

Bili Blanket Baby

With a special emphasis on underserved populations, Bili Blanket Baby partners with providers and new parents to compassionately support family bonding for all families through empathetic, timely, and high quality neonatal home jaundice treatment and maternity supplies. Bili Blanket Baby provides same day bili blanket rentals to families in Arizona, Colorado, California, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Additionally, Bili Blanket Baby helps connect parents to breast pumps, milk storage bags and more in several states. To learn more, visit BiliBlanketBaby.com.

Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @BiliBlanketBaby or @BiliBlankeyBaby    |  877-593-BILI (2454)     |    info@biliblanketbaby.com     |     For orders: orders@biliblanketbaby.com

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Metropolitan State University of Denver

Lactation Program

The mission of the Lactation Program at MSU Denver is to prepare diverse students for successful careers in maternal and child health and wellness as well as eligibility for the IBCLC credentialing exam to become an IBCLC through quality, in-person education that is culturally sensitive and instills a desire for life-long learning. The Lactation Consultant Training Certificate Program is housed in the Department of Nutrition and allows students to meet the eligibility requirements to complete the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) Exam and, once students pass the exam, work as a credentialed IBCLC. The program is a residential program, without an online option. For more information, visit MSUDenver.edu/Nutrition/Programs/Certificate-Lactation/ or email Nutrition@MSUDenver.edu.