Thank you for your interest in attending the 2022 Colorado Lactation Conference! Full scholarships were provided to 9 community members throughout the state!
The scholarship goal is to increase access to breastfeeding information and continuning education.
The scholarship is prioritized for local breastfeeding coalition and La Leche League members as well as individuals that identify as and those serving communities of color, LGBTQIA+, rural, and low-income communities in Colorado.
Scholarships are only for individuals residing in and serving communities in Colorado.
The scholarship program is funded through the Colorado Lactation Conference proceeds.
To apply, please complete the form – Now Closed
The scholarship program is funded through the Colorado Lactation Conference proceeds.
To apply, please complete the following form by SEPTEMBER 18, 2022.
You will be notified of the scholarship award on a rolling, first-come, first-serve basis.
— If you apply prior to September 1, you will be notified by September 2, 2022.
— If you apply between September 1-13, you will be notified on September 15, 2022.
— If you apply after September 13 and scholarships are still available, you will be notified by Sept 18, 2022.
Please do not register for the conference prior to hearing your scholarship status. You will be automatically registered for the conference if accepted. (If you have already registered, we can reimburse your registration fees.)
Thank you and please share this opportunity widely with anyone who may be interested in applying.
We are working to secure funds for as many scholarships as possible.